28pcs -32pcs
Mandarins are fruits of an evergreen shrub native to Asia that belongs to the family of Rutaceae and are thought to have originated in the forests of China. Mandarin oranges resemble a common orange in shape but are smaller in size and come with a thin peel. Clementine, Tangor and Satsuma, Owari are some of the most commonly available mandarin oranges. Mandarin oranges with red orange skins are the most commonly found mandarin and are properly known as tangerine.
China oranges do much more than providing a pleasant taste. There are number of mandarin orange health benefits like preventing cancer and weight gain.
Nutritional facts/Ingredients :
-Prevent Cancer
-Great Source of Vitamin C
-Solves Cholesterol Problems
-Helps with Blood Pressure
-Helps with Weight Loss
-Develops Healthy Immune System
-Develops Skin Health
-Supplies Antioxidant
-Glowing Skin
-Improved Skin Tone
-Fights Wrinkles
-Heals Wounds
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